Trip to the dentist's

Whoops, I ate a sandwich before going to the dentist's from school! Keep drinking water to clean my teeth cuz I dont have access to a tooth brush at school. After getting off the school bus , I ran outside to catch a ride. Only 3 minutes until I have to be there. 
I didnt have to wait as I expected to cuz there was no one there. 
I found one of those fancy water dispenser and drank some water.
And here I go!

Here are some tips to get you through the pain:
1. Dont let your mouth close. The less the dentist sees the more likely she will poke your gum.
2.Try to focus on the water spray and not the sharp tool scrapping your gum and teeth.
3.Close your eyes. It helps to keep the spot light out of your eye ( even though they give your glass to keep it out )  and listen to the sound of the water.
4. Stiffen your body, like holding your stomach in or using some calves muscles. (I also do that when I ride roller coasters.) ( It's great for enduring pain )
5.Last but not least, HOLD ON TIGHT!!!! It will soon be over!

Stay Fabulous and stay strong,


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